Harlequin Hotel caters for leisure and business traveler who spend the day out or in office prefer quieter environments and especially NGO'S. The hotel does not serve alcoholic drinks.www.crocodileracers.com
The hotel has 3 conference rooms that accommodation between 20 and 100 depending on the sitting arrangement. All the conference and meetings are provided with drinking water, writing pads, pens, tea and snacks.
Accommodation & Room Types
Harlequin Suites Hotel has 44 rooms; 9 are simple penthouse suite with the bedrooms situated above the lounge. 35 standard rooms have double beds while others have twin beds all covered with mosquito nets.
Enjoy dining at Harlequin Hotel's restaurant with plenty meal options available. The restaurant offers a unique selection of food with a wide variety of various internatinal and local cousines. Harlequin Hotel's professional staff treats guests with warm smile and overwhelming hospitality. We make sure that the services provided by are the best, and they will suit your needs and desires.