About Kenya



Location And Topography

Kenya lies astride the equator on the eastern coast of Africa. It is a medium-sized country by continental standards; covering an area of about 586,600km sq. Inland water bodies cover some 10,700km sq, the bulk of this in Lakes Victoria and Turkana. Kenya is bordered by Somalia and the Indian Ocean to the east, Ethiopia to the north, Sudan to the northwest, Uganda to the west and Tanzania to the south. The coastline, about 550km long, faces the Indian Ocean. Kenya has tremendous topographical diversity, including glaciated mountains with snow-capped peaks, the Rift Valley with its scarps and volcanoes, ancient granite hills, flat desert landscapes and coral reefs and islets. However, the basic configuration is simple. Coastal plains give way to an inland plateau that rises gradually to the central highlands, which are the result of the relatively recent volcanic activity associated with the formation of the rift valley. To the west the land drops again to the Nyanza plateau that surrounds the Kenyan sector of Lake Victoria; and to the north, the rugged low country around Lake Turkana.


Kenyan Modern Culture was born of myriad sources and influences both new and old. Despite the many and varied influences that have shaped Kenyan society, the culture in Kenya has become truly and purely Kenyan. If any one thing of Kenya speaks of this unique character, it is the modern melding of traditional societies and culture. It is possible to leave Nairobi, a city with a thriving business heart powered by the latest information technology, and drive in just a few hours to a place where life is lived in accordance to tradition and custom, where warriors armed with spears drive cattle into thorn brush enclosures to protect them from lion attacks at night. In Kenya, the modern and the traditional live side by side and at times the lines blur. For many visitors to Kenya, this is evident within minutes of arrival. Among the busy urban traffic, the median strips of fresh grass along the airport road are a popular place for Maasai herdsmen to graze their cattle.
The well known Masai too famous for their warrior ship, have a strong practical lifestyle which is basically seen to represent Kenya's traditions by foreigners. The Maasai land incorporates many of the National Parks like Amboseli, Masai Mara, Tsavo and Nairobi National Park which is now involved in the wildlife conservation projects to encourage eco-tourism. This enables the Masai tribe to make a living from conservation and is an important factor in the preservation of wildlife habitats outside the Parks. Visitors can experience a unique holiday leaving about their culture, wildlife and ecosystem of this fascinating tribal people.


Kenia is famous for wildlife conservation and has long been recognized as a destination to visit for game viewing. With over 40 National Parks and Reserves, Kenya has a history of protecting its wildlife which gives the visitor a wonderful range of experiences in all sorts of different terrain, awakening images of beauty and romance, which it well deserves. In terms of tourism, the country has a reputation for being almost too popular, with lots of minibuses and large safari lodges. This is especially applicable to the Maasai Mara. However, Kenya copes very well with package tourists, but the recent trend is towards personalized tour and wildlife safaris, where you have the freedom of suggesting your own itinerary with a smaller number of guests in an exclusive remote setting. Likewise, Kenya has had its fair share of publicity, from adventurous hunters like Teddy Roosevelt and Earnest Hemingway to popular movies like 'Out of Africa' and ‘The Lion King'.

The Coastline

The Coastline is broken and composed of pristine beaches, coral cliffs, reefs, creeks and numerous offshore coral islands. Inland, a mainly level but narrow coastal plain lies on sedimentary rocks, with some igneous intrusions such as Dzombo and Mrima. Beyond low rolling hills lies the so-called Nyika Plateau, mainly on sedimentary rocks. This landscape covers almost the entire northeastern sector of the country on very gradual slopes.

The Great Rift Valley

With its associated Great rift valley escarpments and mountains is a major feature. It runs the length of the country from Lake Turkana in the north to Lake Natron on the southern border with Tanzania. The central portion of the rift is raised with the Aberdare Mountain ranges and Mt Kenya to the east, the Mau Escarpment and Cherangani Hills to the west. The northern and southernmost sectors of the rift are low-lying, arid and rugged, with spectacular volcanic land forms. The region west of the central highlands is characterized by Precambrian metamorphic rocks and linear basement hills. Mt Elgon, an old, eroded volcano intrudes through the ancient shield on the Uganda border. The Lake Victoria basin generally has a gently sloping landscape and an eroded surface that exposes granite outcrops. Isolated hills and mountains, such as Mt Kulal, Mt Nyiro and Mt Marsabit, are scattered to the north and east of the central highlands. The Taita Hills rising from the southeastern plateau, are ancient fault-block formation, the northernmost of a chain of isolated peaks (the’eastern arc’) that stretches south to Malawi through eastern and southern Tanzania. They sit almost cheek-by-jowl with one of the region’s recent volcanic ranges, the Chyulu Hills.

Climatic Conditions

Kenya is generally a dry country; over 75% of its area is classified as arid or semi-arid with only around 20% being viable for agriculture. Inland rainfall and temperatures are closely related to altitude changes with variations induced by local topography. Generally the climate is warm and humid at the coast Mombasa, Malindi & Lamu. Cool and humid in the central highlands while hot and dry in the north and east. Across most of the country, rainfall is strongly seasonal, although its pattern, timing and extent vary greatly from place to place and from year to year. The relatively wet coastal belt along the Indian Ocean receives 1,000 mm or more rain per year. Most rain falls from April to July as a result of the southeasterly monsoon. Another moist belt occurs in the Lake Victoria basin and its surrounding scarps and uplands, mainly due to moist westerly winds originating over the Atlantic Ocean and Congo Basin. Except immediately adjacent to the Lake, rainfall occurs reliably from March to November. The upland plateaus adjacent to this area are less influenced by the lake, and rain falls mainly in March-May and July-September. In much of the central highlands, there is also a bimodal rainfall pattern, with rainy seasons in March-May and October-December. The remaining 70% or so of the land area falls into the ‘arid lowlands’ zone (NRI 1996), with rainfall averaging less than 500 mm and varying greatly from year to year. Rainfall peaks in most areas are in November and April. Some 30% of this zone can be classed as semi-desert, with rainfall averaging less than 300 mm per year and evaporation often greater that 3,000 mm. Except for the coast and Lake Victoria region, altitude is the main determinant of precipitation. The high-attitude areas (over c. 1,500 m) in the central Kenya highlands usually have substantial rainfall, reaching over 2,000 mm per year in parts of the Mau Escarpment. However, topography also has a major influence, with strong rain-shadow effects east of Mt. Kenya and the Aberdare mountains. Here, even areas higher than 1,800 m may be relatively dry. In the arid lowlands the peaks of isolated mountains attract cloud and mist, and may support very different vegetation to that of the surrounding plains. Differences in temperature vary predictably with altitude. Frost occurs regularly at 3,000 m and occasionally down to at least 2,400 m, and there is permanent snow and ice on top of Mt. Kenya at 5,200 m. The hottest areas are in the arid northeast, and west of Lake Turkana, where maximum temperatures average over 34 C.

Water Resources

All Kenya’s major river drain from the central highlands, divided by the rift into those flowing westwards into Lake Victoria and those flowing eastwards towards the Indian Ocean. There are five major drainage basins: Lake Victoria, the Rift Valley, the Athi-Galana-Sabaki River (and Coastal areas to its south), the Tana River and the northern Ewaso Ng’iro. Kenya only has a small part of Lake Victoria’s water surface, but the Kenya catchment contributes a disproportionate 33% of its surface inflow, some 470 million cubic meters a year. The rift valley contains several basins of internal drainage, forming a chain of endorheic lakes from Lake Natron on the Tanzanian border, through Lakes Magadi, Naivasha, Turkana, Elementaita, Nakuru, Bogoria and Baringo. These lakes vary in alkalinity; from fresh water Lake Naivasha to the intensely alkaline Lake Magadi. Lake Turkana is notable as a major volume of (more or less) fresh water in an otherwise arid and barren part of the county, while a number of rivers, including the Turkwel, Kerio, Athi-Galana, Tana and Northern and Southern Ewaso Ng’iro, flow for long distances through dry parts of the country. Here they may often be the only permanent source of water.


Kenya's vegetation is related to its climate and landscape. In well watered highland areas evergreen forest grow with bamboo grass. These plants give way on the lower slopes to grasses and low trees. This type of vegetation makes up the plains of grass lands known as savanna. In very arid areas the vegetation is restricted to very hardy plants such as thorn bushes and thick rooted baobab trees. The coastal plain consists of some forest and bush areas and along the coastline coconut palms and mangroves can be found. Kenya has over 24,000 km² of forest covering 3% of the land area, this compares to 22,000 km² of forest in the UK. The forests in Kenya are being removed at a rate of 390 km² a year. To protect the forests, wildlife and the people who depend on the forests for their livelihood the Kenyan government has created a large number of nature reserves.

Travel Information

With its amazing landscapes - from the snow capped Mt. Kenya, to the Great Rift Valley escarpment with its string of strange lakes, from open savannah with no evident horizon, to mountain ranges with extraordinary rock forms, from coffee plantations, tea and coconut palms to tropical lush green gardens with flowers and colorful birds, it is easy to see why Kenya is an ideal tourist destination. It is not just outstanding wildlife and scenery that you come to Kenya for, it is also the rich culture of Kenya's tribes, of whom the Maasai and Samburu are instantly recognizable. Their elaborate and colorful clothing is extremely distinctive and their lifestyle is a fascinating contrast to western culture. This mix of great wildlife experiences and eye-opening cultural encounters makes Kenya a very desirable safari destination.
In addition, the Kenyan coast is simply one of the best places in Africa to spend time at - the beach with miles of soft white sandy beaches, warm sea, bright skies, waving palms and coral reefs bright with exotic fish. There are hundreds of beach resorts most offering a multitude of activities. Several of Kenya's wildlife parks are within a reasonable drive from the coast including, Tsavo, Taita Hills and Shimba Hills
On our camping or lodge tours and safaris, you will explore the hills of Mount Kenya, the arid semi-desert of Samburu, the dry hot Chalbi Desert, the lush rain forests of Mount Elgon, Kakamega and Aberdare ranges, the rolling dotted plain savannah of the Masai Mara and the stunning Rift Valley and her lakes; you will meet and interact with the many tribes and cultures along the way; and you will get the chance to view wildlife and birds in the many game parks and reserves you cross. A combination of walks, game drives and cultural village visits ensure an excellent introduction to Kenya's many faces!

Safety Tips

Safety while at the Parks and Game Reserves

All reserves have a set of rules that you need to follow to ensure your safety. Many of the animals you’ll come across, particularly lion, hippo, elephant and buffalo, are dangerous. Stay in your car and keep a reasonable distance.

Visas & Immigration
All incoming visitors to Kenya (except East African Citizens) will now require a visa, irrespective of nationality. Citizens of the following countries need to have a visa prior to arrival in Kenya: Afghanistan, Somali, Iran, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Mali, Sudan, Nigeria, Yemen, Cameroon, Pakistan, North Korea, Stateless Persons, Armenia, Georgia, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Senegal. If making more than one entry into Kenya due to travel to countries other than Tanzania or Uganda, a 12 month’s multiple entries visa can be issued on specific request. Consular fee is $100. Applicant must attach a letter to the application which requests a multiple entry visa and explains why it is needed. Visa requirements often change. We advise you to check with your local Kenyan Embassy or Consulate for the latest visa requirements.

The best choice of vaccines for your trip depends on many individual factors, including your precise travel plans. Vaccines commonly recommended for travelers to Africa include those against: Tetanus, Diphtheria, Polio, Typhoid, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Yellow fever, Rabies, Meningitis etc. Several of these vaccines require more than one dose as they take time to become effective. Vaccine shortages also occur from time to time particularly with yellow fever. So it is always best to seek advice on immunization well in advance, if possible around 6 weeks before departure. Yellow fever vaccination certificate is required from travelers over one year of age. Find out from your travel agent if your country is classified as an endemic zone. For such visitors the vaccine is mandatory. Travelers arriving from non-endemic zones should note that vaccination is strongly recommended for travel outside the urban areas, even if an outbreak of the disease has not been reported.

Kenya Currency

Visitors to Kenya should change foreign currency at Banks, Bureau de change or authorized hotels. The most common currencies to exchange are US Dollars, Sterling Pounds and Euro. There are over 200 ATMs countrywide serving a majority of the international credit cards like Visa, Master cards, JCB, American Express among other major credit cards.


Banking Hours

Monday – Friday 0800 - 1600; 0900-1200 on Saturdays. For special customers with special accounts, banking hours can run up to 1700 hrs. Most banks upcountry are open on Saturdays. Many of the banks and bureau de change at the international airports open 24 hours a day.

Travelers Cheques

These are widely accepted, although they are soon becoming obsolete. Many hotels, travel agencies, safari companies and restaurants accept Credit Cards. Most Banks in Kenya are equipped to advance cash on credit cards.

Credit & Debit cards

These are all widely accepted. Major hotels and big outlets now accept payment by credit card. Cards accepted include Visa, Master Card. There are no restrictions on the amount of foreign currency that can be brought into Kenya. Before departure, travelers are advised to convert any excess Kenya shillings into foreign currency at a bank or bureau de change before departure. Departure taxes can be paid in local or foreign currency. Anyone wishing to take more than 500,000 Kenya Shillings out of the country will require written authorization from the Central Bank of Kenya.

Kenya Attractions


Kenya is the most popular destination for safaris in the world. It has long been recognized as Big Game country, with huge numbers of animals in over 40 National Parks and Reserves and the country has a long and illustrious history of protecting its varied wildlife. A Kenya safari is the perfect way to witness some of the most beautiful scenery in the world as well as amazing wild animals in their natural environment. This has helped provide the visitor to Kenya a wide range of experiences in all sorts of terrain. A wildlife safari in Kenya is indeed a magical experience into the 'Kingdom of God'. In fact, Kenya has been a focus of attention for its varied wildlife for many years. The country has also had its fair share of international publicity. Kenya is also popular for its numerous minibuses, vans and 4x4 vehicles plying in its wildlife parks reserves and the large number of safari lodges dotting its countryside.

All these means that Kenya can cater to every market segment and once you experience a Kenyan wildlife Safari you will know why so many safari-addicts return to Kenya repeatedly. Kenia offers a spectacular holiday vacation in the wild that is second to none i.e. drive by a pride of lions in a four wheel drive, walk through herds of plains game, watch a herd of elephants from the comfortable veranda of a safari lodge, track game on horseback or search for rare birds in a thick rainforest, the possibilities are endless. So if you're planning a wildlife safari, Kenya is undoubtedly one of the best countries to offer you a truly 'wild' experience. Right from the local people you meet in the countryside to the local guide accompanying you. A Kenyan safari offers a much authentic 'flavor' than what one can experience in more developed countries. Kenya’s wilderness areas are famous world wide. The name Kenya has become synonymous with the great wilds of Africa but they represent far more than you would ever expect, protecting and showcasing a broad range of habitats and species.
All in all, a Kenya safari can be summed up in few words....”MEMORABLE WILDLIFE EXPERIENCE”

Coast – Mombasa – Watamu – Malindi – Diani – Lamu – Wasini – Kisite Islands

The Kenyan Coast is lined with pristine white sand beaches fringing the warm inviting waters of the Indian Ocean, islands and towns that still reflect Kenya's rich cultural heritage present yet another facet of this amazing country. The ocean itself holds a world of spectacular coral reefs teeming with life, colour which is Unique to East Africa's coast and the historic and symbolic reminders of the mix of African, Arabic and European cultures. They stretch the length of the coast from the Port of Mombasa and from Shimoni in the south to the serene and enchanting island of Lamu in the north. The proximity of some of the largest wildlife reserves make it easy to enjoy game viewing in Tsavo National Park and go back to the coast in a day. A sojourn to Kenya's coast is the perfect way to kick back and relax, luxuriate in the sun, scuba-dive, take a big-game fishing trip or a dhow cruise, discover Mombasa, or enjoy a bush trip into the traditions and culture of the coastal people. Kenya's principal port and the country's second largest city, Mombasa is a colorful island town with a picturesque blend of ancient and modern buildings. The old town and its labyrinth of narrow twisting alleys display beautifully carved doors and Arab verandahs, bazaars with curios and antique shops. Fort Jesus, built in 1593 by the Portuguese to guard the entrance of the Old Dhow Harbor is the island's landmark. Today, the fort serves as a historical museum. This blend of natural beauty and living history creates an exotic paradise unlike anywhere else on earth.

Kenya is a land of contrasts, and nowhere is this more apparent than in its range of altitudes. The hills and mountains of Kenya are a world apart from the lowland valleys and plains. High altitude Kenya offers something for everyone. There are refreshing hill walks through bird rich areas or more active hikes into mountain forests.


Kenya has a wide range of forests, from coastal forest, through central high mountain forests to the thick wet rainforests of the West. These forests support more than just a diverse range of tree and plant species; they are also the territory of a wide range of wildlife, from rare chameleons to elephant herds, elusive leopards to colorful butterflies, monkey families and prolific birdlife. Kenyan forests offer the traveler a wide range of options, from treetop lodges to trekking trails.


Kenya straddles the centre of the Great Rift Valley, the vast prehistoric fissure that stretches from Jordan to Mozambique. From the North to the South of Kenya, the valley is lined with a series of freshwater and soda based volcanic lakes. The staggering view, as you approach from Nairobi, Kenya is quite unbelievable. The ground suddenly disappears from under you to show the huge expanse of the great rift, stretching for thousands of miles in either direction. Whilst this stunning introduction to the Rift valley is amazing in itself, actually descending and exploring the Lakes area of the Rift in Kenya is a "not to be missed" opportunity. With a huge variety of landscapes, activities, accommodation and wildlife, the Rift Valley Lakes area is an excellent part of any safari holiday.

The North of Kenya is a vast trackless expanse of desert and semi desert wilderness. This hot, sparsely populated land is a place of harsh and stunning beauty. Among the stunning cliffs and ranges and thorn scrub of the North, live some of Kenya’s last nomadic tribes. For these people, the desert wilderness is an integral part of their lives, and they cross these lands with camel trains following traditional routes older than any living memory. For many people, this is the real Kenya, where the great empty spaces hold the promise of real adventure. It’s an ideal place for the adventure seeker.